Friday, March 09, 2007

Praha, Thursday

I walked all around, getting lost, and taking much longer to find the places I was looking for. On the upside, though, I walked on some streets I hadn't seen before.

Finally found the Museum of Communism.
Met up with David for lunch. We had lunch at an inexpensive cafeteria, with the only English posted on a menu outside the door. We managed, though. I asked a man if we could share his table (and by this I mean I asked, "prosim?" and he nodded. "Please" comes in handy in many contexts). After a few minutes, I initiated conversation. The man turned out to be Russian, working for the Russian embassy in Prague. David and I enjoyed talking to him.
After a satisfying lunch, we went to the Mucha Museum...Alphonse Mucha was the guy for Art Nouveau in Prague.
Then we hit the Museum of Prague, but unfortunately, the model of Prague wasn't on exhibit!
Lastly came the adventures at the train station...the guy at the ticket window spoke some English and was very patient. I bought my ticket for a "couchette" on the night train to Krakow, Poland. It was confusing trying to figure out which car to board on, and the departure time was rapidly approaching, which made us nervous. This, and the hope that we would meet again in Vienna, kept the goodbye from being sentimental. We hammed it up, with me waving a tissue out the window and him running alongside the train.
General impressions...fantastic spring weather on Tues and Wed. Rained Wed night, but Thurs wasn't bad at all.
Women's high heels getting caught between cobblestones.
Surrounded by so many languages!
Even in March, Prague was crowded with manz large tour groups. I canät imagine what it will be like in the high season!
Prague has manz windy, narrow streets and hidden courtzards...verz European. So manz gorgeous buildings in the citz of a thousand spires. Unlike other European cities, it was not badlz bombed in WWII.
Service was often matter of fact more than friendlz, but people were nice.
It was fun and easy to be with David again, even after all these years.

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